- Outdoor Drum Storage Lockers
- N-Series lockers feature galvanized grating above a spill-compliant sump and passive ventilation. Lockable, hinged doors with inside release for added security. Include exterior grounding lug, anchoring point, and NFPA 701 placard. Rated for 90 MPH windload.
- Meet EPA spill containment requirements
- Meet UFC requirements
- FM Class 6049 approved
- Note: Optional accessories must be ordered with storage locker. Factory assembled.
Storage Buildings, Unrated, Drum Capacity (2) 55 gal., Sump Capacity 103 gal., Load Capacity 1200 lbs., Height 98 In., Width 96 In., Depth 58 In., Door Opening Height 80 In., Door Opening Width 54 In., Door Type Manual, 2-Door, Material Steel, White Color, Key Lock Type Padlockable, FM 6049 Approved, EPA 40 CFR 264.175, NFPA 30, NFPA 70, NFPA 400, IBC, UBC, IFC Standards
: -8007
: www.annovatech.com
: caoye513